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Saturday 18 June 2011

Universities of theory

The Nigerian University is a citadel of theory.
We go through six years of learning and we have no real knowledge of what we are doing. We solve mathematics all day, cram so many equations into our heads, so that we know so many theories and very much less practical experience.

A medical student of a Nigerian university went to Europe to study after getting a scholarship. when he got there a team of professors asked him about the MRI scan. he got his groove on and he began to speak on the scan. For a full thirty minutes he spoke and he impressed all the professors there. when he was through, he was asked to operate an MRI machine. He had no idea that he had been standing in front of an MRI machine the whole time.

I studied engineering in school and I remember going for a practical in a power course and the engineer in charge said and I quote '...let us assume that the rheostat is working, it would be making a sound like this worom worom understand'
can you imagine that? People then complain that we are backward in technology.

Our government has been so complacent to our educational system. 25% of our budget goes to the senate and the house of representatives and our educational system takes up just 5%.

IMF said if the educational system of a country has to work out 25% of the budget must go to education. Yet in Nigeria reverse is the case. no wonder our elections are bloody, because becoming a politician in Nigeria is the most lucrative business you can find.

Even most of our politicians cannot even boast of a college degree. ON BBC, two british MPs were being called to order for doing away with 500 pounds

Here, you have to embezel at least 1 billion Naira to be questioned at least.

Our educational system is going down the drain...
How long will we continue to import goods
WE have what it takes to be a world power
We have all the resources; mineral and human
How long will we export our raw materials so we can buy finished product?

When we will stop deceiving the world that we are meant to be what we are not?

When will we stop dwelling on theories and focus on practicals and research?

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