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Saturday 10 December 2011

Letter to Nigerian Parents

This calls for a very sober reflection!
Friends, Let me add the benefit of my time as a student and then resident in the UK - and I live in Lagos now. The first thing that I discovered about UK-born, white, English
undergraduates was that all of them did holiday or weekend job to support themselves - including the children of millionaires amongst them. It is the norm over there - regardless how wealthy their parents are. And I soon discovered that virtually all other foreign students did the same - the exception being those of us status-conscious Nigerians.I also watched Richard Branson (owner of Virgin Airline)speaking on the Biography Channel and, to my amazement, he said that his young children travel in the economy class -even when the parents (he and his wife) are in upper class. Richard Branson is a billionaire in Pound Sterling. A quick survey would show you that only children from Nigeria fly business or upper class to commence their studies in the UK . No other foreign students do this. There is no aircraft attached to the office of the prime minister in the UK - he travels on BA. And the same goes for the Royals. The Queen does not have an aircraft for
her exclusive use. These practices simply become the culture which the next generation carries forward. Have you seen the car that Kate Middleton(the wife of Prince William) drives? VW Golf or something close to it. But there's one core difference them and us(generally speaking). They (even the billionaires among them) work for their money, we steal ours! If we want our children to bring about the desired change we have been praying for on behalf of our dear country, then please, please let's begin now and teach them to work hard so they can stand alone and most importantly be content, and not having to "steal", which seem to be the norm these days."30 is the new 18", which seem to be the new age for testing out the world in Nigeria now. That seems to be an unspoken but widely accepted mindset among the last 2 generations of parents in Nigeria . At age 18 years, a typical young adult in the UK leaves the clutches of his/her parents for the University,
chances are, that's the last time those parents will ever play "landlord" to their son or daughter except of course the occasional home visits during the academic year.At 21 years and above or below, the now fully grown and independent minded adult graduates from University, searches for employment, gets a job and shares a flat with other young people on a journey into becoming fully fledged adults.I can hear the echo of parents saying, well, that is because the UK economy is thriving, safe, well structured and jobs are everywhere? I beg to differ and I ask that you kindly hear me out. I am UK trained Recruitment Consultant and I have been practicing for the past 10 years in Nigeria . I have a broad range of experience from recruiting graduates to executive director level of large corporations. In addition, I talk from the point of view of someone with relatively privileged upbringing. Driven to school every day, had my clothes washed for me, was barred
from taking any part-time job during my A-levels so that I could concentrate on studying for my exams?! BUT, I got the opportunity to live apart from my parents from age 18 and the only time I came back home to stay was for 3 months before I got married!Am I saying that every parent should wash their hands off their children at age 18? No, not at all, of course, I enjoyed the savings that I made from living on and off at my parent's house in London - indeed that is the primary reason for my being able to buy myself a 3 bedroom flat in London at age 25 with absolutely no direct financial help from my parents!For me, pocket money stopped at age 22, not that it was ever enough for my lifestyle to compete with Paris Hilton's or Victoria Beckham's. Meanwhile today, we have Nigerian children who have never worked for 5 minutes in their lives insisting on flying "only" first or business class, carrying the latest Louis Vuitton ensemble, Victoria 's Secret
underwear and wearing Jimmy Choo's, fully paid for by their "loving" parents.I often get calls from anxious parents, my son graduated 2 years ago and is still looking for a job, can you please assist! Oh really! So where exactly is this "child" is my usual question. Why are you the one making this call dad/mum?I am yet to get a satisfactory answer, but between you and me, chances are that big boy is cruising around Lagos with a babe dressed to the nines, in his dad's spanking new SUV with enough "pocket money" to put your salary to shame. It is not at all strange to have a 28 year old who has NEVER worked for a day in his or her life in Nigeria but "earns" a six figure "salary" from parents for doing absolutely nothing. I see them in my office once in a while, 26 years old with absolutely no skills to sell, apart from a shiny CV, written by his dad's secretary in the office. Of course, he has a driver at his beck and call and he is driven to the job
interview. We have a fairly decent conversation and we get to the inevitable question - so, what salary are you looking to earn? Answer comes straight out - N250,000.00. I ask if that is per month or per annum.Of course it is per month. Oh, why do you think you should be earning that much on your first job? Well, because my current pocket money is N200,000.00 and I feel that an employer should be able to pay me more than my parents. I try very hard to compose myself, over parenting is in my opinion the greatest evil handicapping the Nigerian youth. It is at the root of our national malaise. We have a youth population of tens of millions of who are being "breastfed and diapered" well into their 30s. Even though the examples I have given above are rom parents of considerable affluence, similar patterns can be observed from Abeokuta to Adamawa! Wake up mum! Wake up dad! You are practically loving your children to death! No wonder corruption continues to
thrive. We have a society of young people who have been brought up to expect something for nothing, as if it were a birth right.I want to encourage you to send your young men and women (anyone over 20 can hardly be called a child!) out into the world, maybe even consider reducing or stopping the pocket money to encourage them to think, explore and strive. Let them know that it is possible for them to succeed without your "help".Take a moment to think back to your own time as a young man/woman, what if someone had kept spoon feeding you, would you be where you are today? No tree grows well under another tree, children that are not exposed to challenges, don't cook well. That is why you see adults complaining, "my parents didn't buy clothes for me this christmas", ask him/her how old-30+. Because of the challenges we faced in our youth, we are where and what we are today, this syndrome-my children will not suffer what I suffered is destroying our
tomorrow. Deliberately reduce their allowance or mum-don't cook on Saturday till late afternoon or evening-do as occasion deserve.I learnt the children of a former Nigerian head of state with all the stolen (billions) monies in their custody, still go about with security escort as wrecks. They are on drugs, several times because of the drug, they collapse in public places. The escort will quickly pack them and off they go, what a life. No one wants to marry them. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.- Henry Ford. Hard work does not kill, everything in Nigeria is going down, including family settings. It is time to cook our children, preparing them for tomorrow. We are approaching the season in Nigeria where only the RUGGED, will survive. How will your ward fare? If the present generation of Nigerian pilots retire, will you fly a plane
flown by a young Nigerian pilot, If trained in Nigeria ? People now have first class, who cannot spell GRADUATE or read an article without bomb blast! Which Way Nigeria !, Which Way Nigerians!! Is this how we will ALL sit and watch this country SINK?Pls forward to as many Nigerian parents as you know.

Friday 7 October 2011

Nigeria...51st independence

Naija...people always say that we are 51 hears old but i say we are 97 years; born in January 1914. we can be compared to a boy who was born(1914) and went to learn work and after a while did his 'freedom' but till date he never sabi work.

51 years we have been independent, on that day people were jubilating now it seems a futile effort as the country has gone from best to worst.

A governor sacked all non-indigenes from his state so as to give his people a chance 'stupidity i call it...if every governor did dat would there be jobs left for people from his state.

Al'jazzera news played a story of 3 ex- nigerian governors that embezzeled 672 billion dollar. and we complain of poverty.

In the end we can only quote a yoruba proverb that says "Kokoro to n je efo...ara efo na lowa

" that is the parasitic insect that is devouring the plant is living on the plant... O ma se O

Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Truth: NIGERIA: the 'BOMB'

The Truth: NIGERIA: the 'BOMB': "Nigeria: a people united, a bomb waiting to explode This our great country cannot be called a land for the free but everything goes here..."

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs

Monday 11 July 2011


Nigeria: a people united, a bomb waiting to explode

This our great country cannot be called a land for the free but everything goes here.
Imagine our security head quarters being blown to smithereens by a bomber who just walked in to the building with a bomb and no security was available to search this young man.

funny, how we get to spend 25% of our budget on the legislators alone and we cannot even face our security. the average Nigerian's life expectancy would have dropped since the security around us is so low our whole country can be blown to pieces in an instant

In the Niger Delta people are being kidnapped per second, in the north, boko haram people are slaughtering Nigerians like cattle and yet our legislators sit in a meeting for hours and collect at least 1million Naira a day.

Is this the so called dividends of democracy that we are meant to be enjoying
Our saviour president...Jonathan Goodluck... has decided to turn his name the other way round by increasing the electricity bill and the fuel price.

The Nigerian government are always the first on the international scene helping other countries with problems.

The bible says remove the log of wood from your eyes before you try to remove the spec of dust from another mans' eyes

Nigeria, we have just more than a log of wood in our eye but the whole tree in our eyes and we would need experts to remove it.

Nigeria; a people united a future assured...psyche.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Universities of theory

The Nigerian University is a citadel of theory.
We go through six years of learning and we have no real knowledge of what we are doing. We solve mathematics all day, cram so many equations into our heads, so that we know so many theories and very much less practical experience.

A medical student of a Nigerian university went to Europe to study after getting a scholarship. when he got there a team of professors asked him about the MRI scan. he got his groove on and he began to speak on the scan. For a full thirty minutes he spoke and he impressed all the professors there. when he was through, he was asked to operate an MRI machine. He had no idea that he had been standing in front of an MRI machine the whole time.

I studied engineering in school and I remember going for a practical in a power course and the engineer in charge said and I quote '...let us assume that the rheostat is working, it would be making a sound like this worom worom understand'
can you imagine that? People then complain that we are backward in technology.

Our government has been so complacent to our educational system. 25% of our budget goes to the senate and the house of representatives and our educational system takes up just 5%.

IMF said if the educational system of a country has to work out 25% of the budget must go to education. Yet in Nigeria reverse is the case. no wonder our elections are bloody, because becoming a politician in Nigeria is the most lucrative business you can find.

Even most of our politicians cannot even boast of a college degree. ON BBC, two british MPs were being called to order for doing away with 500 pounds

Here, you have to embezel at least 1 billion Naira to be questioned at least.

Our educational system is going down the drain...
How long will we continue to import goods
WE have what it takes to be a world power
We have all the resources; mineral and human
How long will we export our raw materials so we can buy finished product?

When we will stop deceiving the world that we are meant to be what we are not?

When will we stop dwelling on theories and focus on practicals and research?

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Na by Pornography?

The Nigerian society has been known to be very good imitators, we have been known to copy every thing they do, killing our culture to fit theirs. No problem anyway, we have now gone to copying the very thing that our culture and our religions speak against... PORNOGRAPHY;

We have seen the first Nigerian first soft porn movie ‘Dirty Secrets’. We have decided to copy the Ghanaians and the Whites who have no problems removing their clothes in front of a camera. The average African religion frowns about sex before marriage but all that is going the drain as people have slogans like ‘VIRGINITY IS NOT DIGNITY BUT LACK OF OPPORTUNITY’

Christianity frowns on it; Islam does the same even the fetish religions do. The gods of our lands, in the times of old, punished people for things like this…

Back to the Nigerian film industry; we have failed to copy all the good things that are scientifically. We have failed to copy special effects, our guns still move before the sound, people shoot outside the building …people inside will die and the windows which are fully put up are still intact. We fail to spend money and then we complain of piracy…so we decided to copy porn, yet we did not even copy it very well.

Young university girls now have sex videos on the internet (hard core porn) and they even put their names and the schools they attend there.

What do people derive from watching porn?

It is a very old topic but it has become disturbing of recent. The youths have seen porn as something that they can look up to when they are feeling sexually aroused

So what the hell do people derive from watching porn

Some say its sex education…for the married couples

A lot of marriages have crashed because ladies that have watched porn expect to see their husbands with 9 inch long phalluses and expects them to go all oral on them
Or…expects their husbands to have the speed and stamina, not to talk of the finesse in which the porn stars perform the different sex positions, of a horse, they expect to scream and shout like the ladies in the movies..They usually end up getting disappointed and then they plow their trade elsewhere

Men, on the other hand, watch these movies and while some feel inferior to the instruments of service God gave them, others feel that they can make their women scream like in the videos and usually end up in pre mature ejaculation.

What good has porn to offer us… nothing

Our fore fathers did not have to watch porn to know how to sleep with their wives, it is inborn. Pornography is a disease and it is affecting the whole world right now.

Check yourself if porn has in anyway helped or destroyed you